We are excited to offer this 2 Day Basketball Skills and Drills camp to all students (Boys and Girls) in 12yr - 14yr , Learn from current High School coaches and players
What: Basketball Skills and Drills Camp
Who: Charlotte residents and students from age 12 - 14
When: July 22-24
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Where: Report to the H.S. Dome gym
Dress: Wear athletic shoes that can be worn on the gym floor, Bring your own water bottle
Cost: $50 (Each Participant will receive a t shirt and a basketball)
Participants will be able to swim at the Charlotee Aquatic Center for free anytime on the days of their camp. Come swimming at 1:00 to participate for free in the pool party with the wibit in the water.
Overall Spots Available: 239
Online Spots: 239
In Person Spots: 239
Resident Spots: 239
Non-Resident Spots: 239
Activity Dates, Days, Times:
Start Date: Mon, 07/22/2024
End Date: Wed, 07/24/2024
Days/Times: Mon, Tue, Wed 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Number Of Sessions:
Class will not meet on: